File Histories & Documents

A patent file history, or a file wrapper or prosecution history, contains record of all documents that have been issued or submitted during the prosecution or examination of a patent application at the patent office.


These includes documents submitted while filing; information disclosure statement; citations from examiner and/or applicant; applicant’s argument and amendments; examiner’s argument, search strategy and reason of allowance/rejection; power of attorney; ownership and all other relevant communications.


A patent file history is eminent in understanding the events and process that may have unfurled during the patent prosecution. This may further help assessing the examiner’s approach and effort in concluding the prosecution of the patent. Moreover, the data can be instrumental to invalidate the patent when subject to any litigation of infringement issues.


In most cases, these data is freely available to the public. Otherwise, we provide this data at a competitive price. Moreover, we also provide copies of relevant non-patent literature such as journal articles and scientific reports which are not easily accessible.